The Professional Pivot Blog
It’s time for you to take control of your career and chart your path for success! We hope to encourage and equip you on your journey through job search, career success, mindset matters and work-life harmony content.
New blogs are posted every other Monday.
How to Set Boundaries at Work
Setting boundaries in the workplace is essential for maintaining a healthy work-life balance. Boundaries are guidelines implemented to establish what's acceptable and what's not acceptable to you in regard to work. Because everyone has different priorities and needs, boundaries will vary from person to person.
Less Hustle, More Strategy: How To Plan for a Promotion
As driven professionals, many of us strive for some sort of promotion at work - it's this little common denominator called "ambition!" However, you shouldn't have to work 80-hour weeks to be valued enough to get a raise or to move up the corporate ladder. Instead of spinning your wheels and experiencing burnout, come up with a strategic plan to set yourself apart from your coworkers!