4 Powerful Questions to Ask Yourself At The Beginning of Each Quarter
Photo by Olya Kobruseva @pexels.com
Q3 2022 is here! Rather than waiting until the end of the year to “see how you did,” you should use the beginning of the quarter (aka this week) for a pulse check on your career. Here are the four questions I suggest you ask to set yourself up for continued success.
How Does My Current Job Align with My Overall Vision for My Career?
This question is powerful because it requires that you actively consider your career alignment rather than continuing with a job just because it “pays the bills.” Having your financial needs met is important, but should not be the only factor in determining whether a job is right for you. Aside from a paycheck, is your job allowing you to exercise your strengths, presenting you with exciting challenges, and providing you with opportunities to grow? More importantly, do you feel motivated and fulfilled by the work you are performing?
If you are struggling to answer yes to these questions, there may be a misalignment between your current job and the ultimate vision for your career.
What is One Goal I Can Work Towards That Will Make Me a Better Professional?
This question is powerful because it provides clarity regarding your immediate personal development. The goals you work towards will vary depending on your strengths and weaknesses in the workplace. Some ideas include cultivating a soft skill, learning a new tool or software, obtaining a certification, or completing leadership training.
How Will I Go About Making New Connections and Growing My Network?
This question is powerful because it keeps networking top-of-mind. Don’t fall back on thinking your network is established enough or that you’ve exhausted your opportunities. Outside of LinkedIn, there are networking avenues you may not have considered. Do a quick search of your career field to find tailored networking events. And don’t forget your alma mater. Alumni associations host a myriad of events allowing you to connect with professionals inside and outside your career field.
When all else fails, return the favor. Know two people who could benefit from each other’s strengths and connections? Be the connector! Karma often comes back tenfold.
If I Could Change One Thing About My Career, What Would it Be?
This question is powerful because it forces you to acknowledge one way your current position is missing the mark. Your answer may be something you can discuss and resolve with your manager like updating your company’s software or speaking with HR about the options in your benefits package. If so, jot it down as a goal for this quarter. However, if your answer falls into the category of being dissatisfied with the content of your work, the toxicity of your company culture, or a misalignment between your career and your core values then that’s a signal it’s time for a change.
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